The Gate of the Sun is a megalithic solid stone bend or entryway worked by the old Tiwanaku society of Bolivia over 1500 years before the present.
It is arranged close Lake Titicaca at around 12,549.2 ft (3,825.0 m) above sea level close La Paz, Bolivia. The article is around 9.8 ft (3.0 m) tall and 13 ft (4.0 m) wide, and is worked from a lone piece of stone. The weight is evaluated to be 10 tons. Right when rediscovered by European wayfarers in the mid-nineteenth century, the stone landmark was lying on a level plane and had a colossal break encountering it. It at present stands in the same zone where it was found, regardless of the way that it is believed this is not its interesting region, which stays uncertain.
A couple of segments of Tiwanaku iconography spread all through Peru and parts of Bolivia. Despite the way that there have been diverse forefront interpretations of the weird engravings found on the article, the engravings that advance the passage are acknowledged to have inestimable and/or visionary significance and may have filled a calendrical need.
The lintel is cut with 48 squares including a central figure. Each square addresses a character as winged representation. There are 32 representations with human appearances and 16 with condor's heads. All look to the central figure, whose character remains a riddle. It is a figure of a man with the head incorporated by 24 direct bars that may address light emissions situated light. The styled staffs held by the figure clearly symbolize thunder and lightning. A couple of understudies of history and archeologists assume that the central figure addresses the "Sun God" as indicated by the shafts released from its head, while others have recognized it with the Inca god Viracocha.
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